แบบฝึกหัดเพื่อฝึกแก้โจทย์คณิตศาสตร์สำหรับน้อง ประถม 6 พร้อมเฉลยคำตอบด้านหลัง
-Solving percent problems including percent, rate, and base
-Solving problems including speed, distance, time
-Determining probability
-Determining an average from pictographs
ขนาด 8 1/2 x 11 นิ้ว จำนวน 86 หน้า
Continuing our Kumon Math Workbook series are six titles devoted to word problems, an important part of any child’s grade school math curriculum. Most publishers include their word problems as a small section of their all-in-one math workbooks, but we believe word problems are important enough to deserve an entire book for each grade level. As a result, our word problem books feature the most practice material of any math workbook available. And our step-by-step, logical approach will allow children to progress at their own rate from simple to more complex problems. Our books also pay close attention to difficulty of the vocabulary in the early books, as word problems can be particularly challenging on young readers.